Corso di Adobe Photoshop a Pisa

Locandina per il corso di postproduzione fotografica con Adobe Photoshop.

Learn with us the basics of photographic post-production with Adobe Photoshop.
Registrations are already open and available places are limited.

Laboratorio di Editing e Post-Produzione

Laboratorio di Editing e Post-Produzione a Pisa con il coordinamento didattico di Mirko Ciabatti, 25-27 marzo 2022.

The Editing & Post-production Laboratory intends to create a working group that is spread on two different workshops that will take place simultaneously: one workshop "From Directing to Editing" will focus on the art of video editing and the other "From Shooting for Color Correction” will focus on color correction work on images.


Corso base di fotografia e ripresa cinematografica a Pisa con il direttore della fotografia Mirko Ciabatti.

The basic course in photography and film shooting is a basic course that is aimed at those who want to discover the video sector and start experimenting, so it is not necessary to have experience.
